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EP2C Energy

Trusted Expertise

EP2C Energy

Trusted Expertise

EP2C Energy

Trusted Expertise

EP2C Energy

Trusted Expertise


Oil & Gas - Drilling

Water Treatment

Renewable Energy



Our strategy is to add value to our clients’ operations by meeting their requirements and exceeding their expectations in the quality of service we provide.

Our range of services includes:

Technical Consultants

The sourcing, recruitment, mobilization and support of technical consultants assigned to major oil and gas projects worldwide.

Project Teams

Fully equipped, multi-disciplined teams for major oil and gas capital development projects.

Global Mobility Services

Tax and payroll, immigration, transport, health, security, accommodation and on-going care worldwide

Executive Search

Recruitment campaigns for permanent staff needs

Maritime Labour Convention

EP2C does not operate any means, mechanism or list intended to prevent or deter seafarers from gaining employment for which they are qualified

EP2C Energy - Quality of services